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Monday, 29 July 2013

How To Create A Blog For Free

In my last post, I defined the word BLOG and the different types of available free blogging platforms such as Blogger, wordpress, weebly, Typepad etc. But I recommended BLOGGER, powered by Google. Blogger blogs ends up with ""  and this can be changed, when you purchase a custom domain name for your blog. In this post today, I will be giving you a simple tutorial on how you can create a free and blog free of charge. This tutorial is going to be a good start for you, if you are interested in blogging with

 You can use your new generated free blog to share a lots of things online, such as tutorials, news, videos, pictures, seminars etc. And make money while doing it. All you need to do is just follow the steps I will be giving you today and get started.


Go To or (Although they are all the same, you can choose any one). Look at the screen shot below.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      STEP 2

Click on "Get started"  as seen on the picture above. Then a page similar to the one below will be shown:


Right on the page, you will create a Google account which you are going to use for your blog and other Google services.
If you already have a Gmail account, Fine. All you have to do is just click on the "Sign in First" Link at the top of the page. Then If you do not have a Gmail account, Fill the for accordingly.

Display Name: This is the name that will appear under your blog post like a signature. Here you can enter your name or your nickname.

Tick   "I accept the terms of services" box, then click on "continue"


You will see a new page similar to the one below:

Blog Title: This will be seen at the the top of your blog and should be relevant to what you intend posting on your blog.

Blog Address: Let your blog address relate to what you are blogging about. For Example, if you are blogging about "safety" , you can try "safetyinfos". You don't have to include your name to show people that you owns it. "Click on check availability" to see if your address is ready for use. If it displays not available, use another address. And if it is available, click on "continue".


You will see a new page where you can choose your template as seen in the picture below:

Here you can choose any template you like for now. It doesn't really matters which one you choose, you can change it at a later date. But for this tutorial, I will choose the "simple" template.

Please Note: Avoid the "Dynamic view"  for now in case you see it as part of the options.

Once you have choose your template, click on "continue".

Congratulation!!. Your blog is now created, you can start Blogging!!

Please, take note of your address because it will serve as what you will be sharing with people to visit your blog.

So, to log in to your blog any time, all you just have to do is go OR and log in with the Gmail details you used in creating your blog account.

In my future posts, I will share with you how to write your blog posts and other tutorials. So, subscribe to my blog if you want to be receiving the tutorials in your email inbox even if you are not online when I post the tutorials. Make sure you verify your subscription by clicking on the link that will be in the mail that will be sent to you once you subscribe.


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